22 June 2013

You Raise Me Up....or how old women stalk Josh Groban

Last night I found myself at the Glasgow Concert Hall for an evening of beautiful singing by the very talented, very easy on the eyes, Josh Groban.
I'd never been to a Josh Groban concert before and boy, did I have a lot to learn.
For example, did you know that there is a group of women out there who call themselves "The U.K Grobanites"....complete with rhinestone tshirts and masses of glow sticks. After last night I'm thinking about buying shares in whatever company makes glow sticks.
The Grobanites consists of 20 mature women (the other side of 60) who rented a van and are now following JG around the U.K. They were scattered throughout the audience, but the 4 lead Grobanites sat in the front holding up a big "JOSH" made out of, yep you guessed it, glow sticks!
I was surprised to see a lot of men in the audience and I am assuming most if them were dragged there by their wives although the guy sitting next to me was the one did the dragging. He cried during every song, so sweet. And he smelled so nice I had to tell him afterwards. Wouldn't you want to know if you smelled nice?
As the show went on there was clearly a protocol for when to stand up and when not to and we were guided by our Grobanite next to us.
The show was great, good interaction with the audience and there's no denying the power of his voice.
Back to the Grobanites......there was one American woman who had decided to leave Mississippi for the first time ever to join the Grobanites. I asked how she had met the other ladies and of course her answer was "on-line" to which she quickly asked, "Do you ever post on the website and the forum?"
I had to tell her that no, I had never posted on the website as I didn't know there was a web site to post on.
At one point, JG answered questions from the audience and when someone asked if he had ever had underwear thrown on stage And the answer was no, I swear all the grandmas were trying to wrangle themselves out of their  panties at the same time only to find themselves in an uncomfortable position the rest of the evening when JG said he was quite happy without the underwear.
Someone referred to JG as the Tom Jones of our time, but honestly, Tom Jones is still around and rocking it and if you had to do a comparison it'd be more Julio Iglesias. To some that might be an insult, but I happen to love Julio.
All in all, a great show, but The Grobanites made the evening unforgettable.

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