17 September 2012

How do you get 3 children and a dog across a river?

This past weekend I carried three children and a dog across a river, I slept in a tent, stepped on a yellow frog and enjoyed the most beautiful star filled sky I have ever seen.
And that's how you go camping!
Just to clarify, it was my choice to carry everyone across the river as I was already soaking wet and had wellies filled with water. I didn't think it was necessary for everybody to get pneumonia. The dog refused to cross the river, he hates water.
The tent was great as usual, not so great to dry out in a flat, but what can you do.
The yellow frog freaked me out a bit, actually a lot of bits, but there were children around so I played it cool.
The starry sky was amazing. It would have been nice if I had witnessed this as we sat around the campfire drinking a beer singing Kumbaya, but I saw it when I got out of the tent to use the loo at 1.30 in the morning.
It was cold, it was wet and it was fun. I love camping. There's just something so nice about being outside in nature, getting dirty and not washing your hair for a few days. Eating pot noodles, being cold even in the sleeping bag and just looking at the amazing Scottish scenery.
The best part about camping? Coming home and sleeping in my own bed.
I might just be too old for roughing it on a mat, but I can't bring myself to bring an air mattress. It's just not right.
I'm looking forward to the next camping trip whenever it may be.


Sole said...

Nu er jeg utallige gange stoedt paa din blog indenfor det seneste aar eller mere, saa nu synes jeg lige, at jeg vil laegge en hilsen. Jeg er dansk men har boet i USA i ca. 1 aar og kan nikke genkendende til det, du paa et tidspunkt skrev om det at bo i "provinsen". Jeg bor selv ca 35 km udenfor en storby, og hvor jeg dog savner bylivet. Men jeg bevarer haabet, maaske en dag livet bringer mig tilbage til en stoerre by, maaske :-) Har ogsaa siddet og grinet af dine beskrivelser af de amerikanske shows. Vi ser ind imellem ogsaa Pawn stars og besoegte ogsaa deres biks i Vegas for et par uger siden. Den ser MEGET anderledes ud i virkeligheden end paa TV. Nu kalder det gode vejr udendoers - selvom jeg altsaa misunder dig lidt kulden og blaesten, jeans, sko og en tyk sweater!!! Og saa Skotland!!!

Kong Mor said...

Hvor var det godt du havde din mobil med... ;-)