11 February 2014


I'm still alive!
I haven't wanted to do any blogging whatsoever in a really long time. Mostly because I've been utterly traumatized. I never ever thought a move could hit me this hard. But it did. And it's okay. It's a sign that I was really really happy where I was before.

Mid August we moved back to the States, back to New Jersey where we lived a long time ago. Back to the same town actually. It was just the easiest thing to do. We knew the area, we knew people, it was close to Joel's work, it was what we needed now that we had to move.

Usually when I have visited the states in the past 3 years, it's always been nerve wrecking to go through immigration due to the Green Card situation, and I've always been so happy when I've been let in to the country. This time, Joel practically had to drag me through immigration and this was after a very long flight on which I lost 5 pounds in tears........the poor woman sitting next to me was so excited to go on vacation in New Jersey. I guess I ruined that for her.

We spent the first three weeks living with good friends in their basement that we had all to ourselves. It was so nice to be around familiar faces and I really hope I didn't keep them up all night with my sobbing. Seriously. I would wake up in the middle of the night sobbing. I would be in the shower, sobbing. Watching TV, sobbing. Catching a glimpse of something Scottish in a magazine, sobbing.
It was awful.

Joel started work the day after we got here, just so we could have insurance.
We immediately found a house to rent and the kids seemed okay with everything. Actually Joel and the kids did really well while I was a mess. A sobbing mess.

The kids started school and adjusted really well. They found new friends, activities etc. I got a part time job to keep myself busy and Joel was busy with work.

6 weeks after arriving we finally got our furniture and we could start making the house a home.

We have now been back in the States for almost 6 months and it feels like we have been here forever. In a good way. We are all adjusted. I no longer sob. I might shed a tear now and then, but the sobbing is long gone.

Will I continue to blog? I don't know. I don't really have anything to say, so maybe I'll just post a picture now and then.

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