16 November 2012

Do You Remember.....

Inspired by a post from Kongmor I no longer feel like I'm the only one with this issue, so I am ready to share..........
How good is your memory? And what kind of things do you remember?
People who know me really well know that I have the most annoying memory ever. I remember everything. It's not that I try to, I'm just observant and somehow things stick in my brain.
It would've been handy in college if math had stuck in there so I didn't have to take the class 5 times. Yes, 5 times. I know.
I remember the most useless stuff. I can tell you what people wore at my wedding 15 years ago, I can tell you what we had for dinner on that sunny day in 1983 when my turtle had just escaped from his little enclosure.
I remember when the bullied girl in our class peed her pants and she brought everyone candy afterwards. I even remember what type of candy. Gummi pacifiers. big ones.
I remember the customers who come into my shop and even though they assume we are just having a pleasant little exchange of words, they are dumbfounded when, a month later, they come in and I ask how their golfing trip was. Sometimes they even forgot they had gone golfing until I remind them that they went with their uncle..................
I try to block out a lot of things, but honestly I can't help all the useless info that gets stuck in there. I am learning to file some of it away in  the compartment called "no need to ever bring that up again unless you want people to think you are a freak".
Tell me a historic fact and i will have forgotten all about it in 2 minutes flat, but in 5 years I can probably tell you what shoes you wore when you told me or exactly where we were standing.
Tomorrow I am going on a long flight. Last time I went on that flight I sat in row............just kidding. Or maybe not.

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